Green projects
Here you can find an overview of the projects financed with KBN’s green loans. We offer green loans with reduced interest rates to projects with clear climate- and environmental ambitions. These loans are financed with green bonds. The list shows the outstanding amount and the emissions reduced and/or avoided (CO2 equivalents) for the 514 projects in our portfolio per October 31, 2024. The amount CO2 equivalents reported corresponds to KBNs share of financing.
Read more about the projects as well as methodology and governance in KBN Impact Report 2023 (PDF 11 MB).
The information about the projects is provided by our customers. The data has been reviewed by KBN but has not been verified by KBN or a third party. Calculation of impact is done by KBN. We do our best to ensure the quality of the information provided; however, the reader should be aware that there is uncertainty related to estimating climate and environmental impact from investments.