ESG risk ratings
KBN is rated annually by a number of ESG rating agencies
The ESG rating agencies use different methodologies, apply both quantitative and qualitative analyses and operate with different sets of indicators and emphasis on the indicators. To provide a broader picture of our ESG risk, KBN uses ratings from three different rating companies: Sustainalytics, ISS ESG and MSCI ESG.
Sustainalytics offers ESG ratings of 20,000 companies and 172 countries. KBN's ESG risk rating is 11.0 (scale 0 to 100, where 0 is the lowest risk), which places the bank in the "low risk" category.
MSCI ESG is one of the leading ESG rating companies and offers ratings for 14,000 companies. KBN's ESG rating is AA (scale CCC to AAA, where AAA is best), which places the bank in the "leader" category.
ISS ESG has rated KBN at C+ (scale D- to A +) and places the bank among the top 10 per cent in its category.