Thank you for your confidence!
According to the results of KBN’s 2019 customer satisfaction survey, KBN’s customers are very satisfied. “This inspires us to continue with our good work”, comments Lars Strøm Prestvik, Chief Lending Officer at KBN.
KBN’s customers are very satisfied – this is the main conclusion of KBN’s 2019 customer satisfaction survey. Customers were asked to indicate their agreement with the statement “I am satisfied with KBN” on a scale from 1 to 6 on which 6 was “Very satisfied”. The overall average result was 5.32, which is the highest score we have ever recorded.
“This was a very pleasing result and inspires us to further develop our customer contact work and our products for the benefit of our customers”, explains a very pleased Lars Strøm Prestvik, Chief Lending Officer at KBN.
Courses and tools = satisfied customers
In total 213 of KBN’s customers responded to the survey, which was run in late autumn 2019. There is little variation between the levels of satisfaction recorded for large and small customers. There is, however, a clear trend for customers who have attended the various courses and seminars organised by KBN as well as for users of our debt management tool KBN Finans to be the most satisfied.
“In recent years we have worked hard to create networks and arenas where our customers can come together and discuss specialist questions. We have run courses on debt management which we have called “KBN Skolen”, and we have held a range of regional finance seminars throughout as much of Norway as possible. It is really pleasing to see that all this work has had a positive impact”, comments Lars Strøm Prestvik.
Accessible and capable
The survey also revealed that KBN’s customers view KBN as a well-run company. The statement “KBN is the most important financing partner for the local government sector” received an average score of 5.14. This too is a better score than in previous years.
KBN’s seven customer account managers, who are in daily contact with customers, also received good feedback. The survey indicates that customers think that they are accessible as well as capable discussion partners who have much to contribute through their insight and financial expertise.
Digital courses in demand
As part of the survey we also asked customers to tell us what improvements and new products they would like to see. A clear response was that customers would very much like web-based courses and training. KBN will respond to this with new digital solutions, and will hopefully meet some of our customers’ other wishes over the course of 2020 as well.