EUR500 million 5-year Green Bond
On 18 April, KBN issued its inaugural Green Bond in Euros and first issuance under the updated Green Bond Framework.
This was KBN’s most oversubscribed Euro trade to date, with final orderbooks over EUR2.7bn.
- An impressive start to our updated Green bond Framework, we did anticipate a good following for our inaugural EUR green issuance, but the result far exceeded our expectations and can be seen as the cumulation of extensive investor work over several years towards the EUR green investor base, says Thomas Møller, Head of Funding & IR at KBN.
About KBNs updated Green Bond Framework
- KBN’s 2024 Green Bond Framework and most recent Green Lending Criteria document sets out strengthened eligibility criteria for green lending aligning with developments in both Norwegian and global environment
- Notably, the 2024 Framework places greater emphasis on both nature- and climate-related risks, including a close examination of land use of all green lending to new building projects