Winter is coming. How well prepared is your municipality?
The climate is changing more quickly than ever before. Norway’s municipalities need to prepare for the unexpected. KBN’s new climate risk tool can help you to succeed.
Extreme changes - extreme costs
Climate change represents a growing financial risk, including for Norway’s municipalities. Risk prevention needs to be prioritised over repairs much more than is currently the case, but where should municipalities look to find good solutions?
Successfull issuance of USD Benchmark
25th April 2018, KBN successfully issues a new USD 1 billion 2,875% 3-year benchmark.
KBN helps set new record at Oslo Børs
Thanks to a green bond issued by KBN on 21 November, Oslo Børs can already point to 2017 as a record year for green bonds.
Impact reporting in three easy steps
How do you calculate climate risk and the environmental impact of an investment? This was the topic of a recent seminar organised by KBN and SEB.