Nordic issuers release guide on green bonds impact report
A group of ten Nordic public sector issuers have released a joint position paper on green bonds impact reporting. Developed with the primary aim of assisting Nordic public sector borrowers, the signatories hope that it will prove useful also for issuers from the private sector and from other countries as well as for the investor community. The position paper, which has been 14 months in the making, was launched at the OECD Green Investment Financing Forum in Paris on 24 October.
Seeking environmental projects
KBN offers a lower interest rate for environmentally friendly projects as we want to contribute to the local government sector going green. And we hope more municipalities and county authorities will apply for green loans.
2 year benchmark
Wednesday 30th August 2017, KBN issued a USD 1 billion 2-year Benchmark bond. This was KBNs third Benchmark in American Dollars this year.
Building Norwegian society for 90 years
September 1st we celebrated KBN having helped finance welfare service provision by the Norwegian local government sector for 90 years. It is a history of which we are proud.
Strong underlying operations
KBN’s net interest income in the second quarter was NOK 538 million as compared to NOK 467 million in the same period in 2016. KBN’s profit for the second quarter was NOK 90 million, and was affected by unrealised losses on financial instruments