We work systematically on sustainability and corporate social responsibility and our ambition is to be a leader in our area.
KBN procures goods and services worth approximately NOK 100 million each year. Through our direct role as a purchaser and our collaboration with others in the business community, we can set requirements that drive suppliers and their sub-suppliers to adopt more sustainable and responsible conduct.
We expect our suppliers of goods and services to work systematically with sustainability, and contribute to solving society's social, economic and environmental challenges.

Supplier Expectations
KBN’s general guidelines for procurement contain a range of guiding principles that KBN must apply in its procurement activities.
KBN’s procurement processes are designed so that they help promote KBN’s environmental, social and governance objectives (ESG). Having sustainability as a guiding principle also imposes restrictions on the suppliers with which KBN can associate. We will not use suppliers that are involved in corruption or money laundering, or suppliers who do not respect basic human rights and labour rights, equality and diversity, or requirements relating to ethical conduct and social issues. The principle also requires KBN to ensure that it has a reasonable overview of its supply chains in order for it to be able to ensure that it can take into account ethical and corporate social responsibility considerations at its suppliers’ sub-contractors.
In 2020 KBN adopted new requirements in respect of the conduct of its suppliers that will oblige them to meet specified minimum requirements. The requirements are be based on international guidelines and conventions, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN’s Global Compact, the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the ILO’s fundamental conventions on forced labour, child labour, discrimination and the right to organise.